
Hand In

  • Email:
  • GitHub / GitLab Tq:
    1. Crete a new repository and make it public
    2. Open an issue here and tell us your repository link
  • QQ, Wechat is also OK!


  • Deadline: May 16th
  • Answers available next week

Assignment I

  1. Learn to use Chrom DevTool & Fiddler to observe HTTP connections.
  2. Select a PHP microframework (Slim/Flight/...) and implement a simple REST service of a to-do list.
GET /api/v1/tasks        // Get all tasks
GET /api/v1/tasks/:id    // Get a task by id
POST /api/v1/tasks       // Create a new task
PUT /api/v1/tasks/:id    // Update a given task
DELETE /api/v1/tasks/:id // Delete a task
  1. (Optional) Write a crawler for Tongqu Act API. Here is the doc of this API.